Strategies for competitiveness

05 Jan, 2024 - 00:01 0 Views
Strategies for competitiveness Arthur Marara

eBusiness Weekly

Arthur Marara

What comes to your mind when you hear “predator”? Welcome to the thrilling world of business, where the law of the jungle often reigns supreme.

In the pursuit of success and survival, companies must employ cunning strategies, strike at opportune moments, and outmanoeuvre their rivals.

Drawing inspiration from the untamed realm of predators in the jungle, this article delves into the realm of “predator mode” — an exploration of competitive strategies that can give businesses a fighting edge.

Just as nature’s predators adapt and conquer, we will uncover valuable lessons that can be applied to the cut-throat realm of business competition.

So, prepare to unleash your inner predator and join us on this captivating journey as we navigate the wild landscape of business strategy!

The business jungle

The word is a “business jungle”. This means that the global marketplace is a competitive and challenging environment, similar to the complexity and unpredictability of a jungle. The business world is characterised by fierce competition, constant change, and the survival of the fittest.

Just like how animals in the jungle must adapt, compete for resources, and navigate through obstacles, businesses and individuals in the business world must face similar challenges.

They need to stay agile, understand market dynamics, and make strategic decisions to thrive in their respective industries.

Success in the business world requires certain qualities, such as resilience, adaptability, strategic thinking, and the ability to seize opportunities amidst challenges. It suggests that individuals and organisations must be prepared to take risks, innovate, and continuously evolve to stay ahead.

“Eat or be eaten”

Strange phrase in business? You may say but this is the truth on the ground in the business jungle.

The phrase “eat or be eaten” in the world of business encapsulates the competitive nature of the marketplace, where companies and individuals must either succeed and prosper or risk being overtaken or eliminated by their competitors. Let us look at the import of the two words, “eat” and “eaten”.

“Eat” represents the aggressive pursuit of success, economic growth, market share, and profitability.

It signifies a proactive and assertive approach to business, where companies strive to outperform their rivals, attract customers, and dominate the market. You cannot afford to be an observer in business.

On the other hand, “be eaten” implies the vulnerability of businesses that fail to adapt or compete effectively. In an intensely competitive environment, those who do not keep up with changing trends, innovate, or deliver value to their customers may fall behind.

They risk losing market relevance or even facing financial difficulties, which could ultimately lead to closure or acquisition by more successful competitors.

The metaphor underscores the need for businesses to be resilient, strategic, and agile in order to thrive.

It implies that only the strongest, most adaptable organisations and individuals can survive and achieve long-term success in the face of fierce competition.

Predator or prey

In the jungle you are either a predator or a prey! The same applies in the world of business, it’s either you a predator or you are prey. The question is how do you move from being a prey to a predator.

How to stay competitive and thrive in a highly competitive environment? We are going to look at this in this series. This article however, is not an invitation for organisations to adopt unethical predatory practices.

Predators eat! Predators hunt! They are looking for opportunities. They do not wait for prey to die in order for them to feed. They hunt for living creatures. They set living goals that bring out the life and creativity in them. This is why we need to operate in the predator mode.

The business landscape is not always a kind place. There have been numerous examples in the business world where companies that failed to adapt or compete effectively ended up being acquired or overtaken by their competitors. Here are a few notable examples:

1. Blockbuster:

Blockbuster was a prominent video rental store chain that dominated the home entertainment industry in the 1990s. However, with the rise of online streaming and digital downloads, Blockbuster failed to pivot its business model effectively. As a result, it was eventually overtaken by Netflix, which revolutionised the way people consume movies and TV shows.

2. Kodak:

Kodak was a pioneer in the photography industry and enjoyed great success with its film-based cameras and products. However, despite being an early innovator in digital photography, Kodak was slow to embrace the digital revolution. The company struggled to adapt to the shift from film to digital photography and eventually filed for bankruptcy in 2012.

3. Nokia:

Nokia was once a dominant force in the mobile phone industry, renowned for its durability and user-friendly devices. However, the company failed to anticipate and respond effectively to the rise of smartphones and the shift towards touchscreen technology dominated by companies like Apple and Samsung. As a result, Nokia lost significant market share and eventually sold its mobile phone business to Microsoft.

4. MySpace:

MySpace was one of the first popular social networking platforms, allowing users to connect and share content online. However, it was quickly overshadowed by the rise of Facebook, which offered a more appealing user experience and better social networking features. MySpace’s failure to keep up with evolving user preferences led to its decline, while Facebook remained dominant in the social media landscape.

The examples cited highlight the importance of continuously evolving, embracing innovation, and staying ahead of changing market trends to maintain relevance and competitiveness in the business world.

However, it’s worth noting that the phrase reflects a highly competitive perspective and may not encapsulate the entire reality of the business world. Collaboration, partnerships, and ethical practices also play important roles in creating a sustainable and successful business environment.

To be continued next week . . .

Arthur Marara is a corporate law attorney, keynote speaker, peak performance and corporate strategy speaker. With his delightful humour, raw energy, and wealth of life experiences, he captivates audiences and inspires them to unlock their full potential. He is also a leadership expert and a dedicated leadership mentor. He is passionate about developing effective leaders. Through his engaging talks and workshops, he imparts invaluable insights and practical strategies that empower individuals to lead with confidence and make a lasting impact. Arthur is the author of “Toys for Adults” a thought provoking book on entrepreneurship, and “No one is Coming” a book that seeks to equip leaders to take charge. Send your feedback to [email protected] or Visit his website or contact him on +263772467255 (Calls) or WhatsApp: +263780055152.

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