Slowness angers customers

16 Feb, 2024 - 00:02 0 Views
Slowness angers customers When customers are forced to wait for a response, they become frustrated and their patience wears out

eBusiness Weekly

Clemence Mutembo

Slow customer service can have a negative impact on your business both in the short-term and the long-term.

When customers are forced to wait for a response, they become frustrated and their patience wears out.

This can lead to them abandoning your business altogether taking their business elsewhere.

Not only does this hurt your bottom line but it also damages your reputation. In today’s world of social media, a single bad experience can be shared far and wide thereby tarnishing your brand’s image.

To avoid this, businesses must prioritise speed and efficiency.

There are several reasons why speed is important to customers. First, speed indicates to the customer that their time is valued. No one wants to feel like they’re being made to wait around for too long.

Second, speed is often associated with competence and efficiency.

When a business is able to respond quickly, it sends the message that they’re organised and know what they’re doing.

Finally, speed is a sign of respect. Customers want to feel like they’re being taken seriously and a fast response is a sign of this. All of these reasons combine to make speed an important factor in the customer experience.

One of the topics that really fascinated me during my statistics course as I did my marketing studies was correlation and regression. I just loved understanding the relationship between variables.

In my trainings, I frequently touch on the correlation between customer experience and sales. You see, there is definitely a positive correlation between customer experience and sales.

As customer experience improves, so do sales. This is because when customers have a positive experience with a company, they are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the company to others.

On the other hand, when customers have a negative experience, they are more likely to take their business elsewhere.

This correlation has been shown in numerous studies and it is something that many businesses are taking very seriously.

Wise people now know that companies that can create a positive customer experience are more likely to see an increase in sales and profitability.

Good customer care is also knowing your products. There are a number of factors that can lead to poor product knowledge but some of the most common include inadequate training, lack of communication and keeping outdated information.

Inadequate training is one of the biggest causes of poor product knowledge.

If employees are not properly trained on the products or services they are selling, they will not be able to provide accurate information to customers.

In addition, lack of communication can also lead to poor product knowledge. If employees don’t have access to the latest information about products or services, they will not be able to provide accurate information to customers.

If you’re a service provider, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that you’re providing the best possible service to your customers.

First and foremost, it’s important to be aware of the customer’s expectations. Make sure you understand what they’re looking for and work to exceed their expectations.

In addition, always be polite and courteous even if the customer is being difficult. Remember that they are paying for your service.

It’s therefore important to treat them with respect. Finally, make sure you are knowledgeable about the products or services you are providing.

At the 5 Star hotel where I used to work, we were taught to always use the customers’ names during greetings and interactions.

You see, using a customer’s name is important for several reasons. First, it’s a simple way to personalise the experience and make the customer feel valued.

When a customer feels like they are being treated as an individual rather than just another number, they are more likely to have a positive experience.

In addition, using a customer’s name helps to build rapport and create a more human connection.

Finally, using a customer’s name helps to build trust. When a customer feels like they are being treated as a person rather than just another customer, they are more likely to trust the company and its products.

When businesses do not use customers’ names, it can have a negative impact on the customer experience.

First, it can feel impersonal and cold. The customer may feel like they are just another number rather than a valued individual.

This can lead to a negative impression of the company and its products. In addition, not using a customer’s name can lead to confusion and frustration.

If a customer is referred to by a wrong name, it can be difficult and frustrating.

This can cause frustrations and make it difficult to provide personalised service.

So many companies book me because of what they hear about me.

You see, there are a few common causes of poor marketing in businesses. One is a lack of a clear marketing strategy.

If a business doesn’t have a plan for reaching its target audience and generating sales, its marketing efforts will likely be disorganised and ineffective.

Another cause is a lack of understanding of the target audience. Without knowing who their customers are and what they want, businesses can’t create marketing campaigns that will resonate with them.

Finally, inadequate resources can be a major cause of poor marketing.

Without enough money channelled towards marketing, businesses may not be able to execute their marketing plans effectively.

The effects of poor marketing can be quite serious for businesses.

One of the most significant effects is a decline in sales. If a business is not effectively reaching its target audience or engaging them with its marketing messages, it’s likely to see a drop in sales.

This can lead to financial difficulties and even bankruptcy. Another effect of poor marketing is a damaged reputation.

If customers have a negative experience with a business’ marketing, they may be less likely to recommend it to others or to purchase from it in the future.

Finally, poor marketing can lead to lower employee morale and high employee turnover as employees may become discouraged by the lack of results or growth.

You already know that consumer behaviour is one of the subjects you study when you do Marketing at University.

You see, a consumer behaviour determinant is any factor that influences a consumer’s behaviour when they are making a purchase decision.

These factors can be related to the consumer, the product, the company or the environment.

Some examples of consumer behaviour determinants include the following:

Motivation: The desire or need to fulfill a goal such as buying a new suit or getting a promotion at work.

Perception: The way a consumer sees and interprets the world including their attitudes, beliefs and values.

Learning: The process of acquiring knowledge and skills such as learning about a new product or service.

Social, technological and economic factors also affect consumers when they make purchase decisions.

It’s not only important to keep customers satisfied but it’s also important to understand what drives their buying behaviour.

One key factor that affects consumer behaviour is customer experience. In fact, it’s been shown that customers are more likely to buy from companies that provide a positive customer experience.

A positive customer experience can include things like quick response times, helpful customer service and easy returns and exchanges.

By providing a positive customer experience, companies can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and ultimately profitability. I studied both Financial Accounting and Brand Management during my Marketing studies at University.

You see, there is an exciting relationship between owners’ equity and brand equity.

You already know that owners’ equity refers to the value of a company’s assets after deducting its liabilities while brand equity refers to the value and strength of a company’s brand in the marketplace.

While these two concepts are distinct, they are related in that brand equity can affect a company’s owners’ equity.

For example, if a company’s brand is highly valued by customers, this can lead to increased sales and profitability which in turn can increase the company’s owners’ equity.

Conversely, if a company’s brand is not highly valued, this can lead to decreased sales and profitability which can negatively affect owners’ equity.

There are a number of factors that can increase brand equity. One of the most important ones is strong customer loyalty.

When customers have a positive experience with a brand and develop a strong emotional connection to it, they are more likely to purchase from that brand again in the future.

This leads to increased revenue and higher profits which directly affects owners’ equity.Other factors that can increase brand equity include consistent messaging and marketing, positive customer reviews and a positive reputation.

All of these factors work together to build a strong and positive brand that is more likely to resonate with customers.

Clemence Mutembo

Clemence Mutembo is a High-Impact Sales and Customer Experience trainer who has done over 500 presentations to Small, Medium and large organisations.You may reach him on :0778 994 994

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