Leaders inspire people

17 Nov, 2023 - 00:11 0 Views
Leaders inspire people Arthur Marara

eBusiness Weekly

Arthur Marara

Part II

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

[John Quincy Adams]. Great leaders inspire action. Leadership is about movement. If you are leading an organisation and there is no change, then you are not a leader. When real leaders come into the picture, there is real and noticeable change.

But how do you do that as a leader, you inspire the people that you lead. Draw the picture of what the future looks like and inspire action amongst the people that you lead.

This is a continuation from last week. Please grab the previous issue in order for you to have the full context of this article.

Leadership is not about creating followers:

Leadership is about cultivating more leaders. Exceptional leaders understand that their legacy lies not only in their personal achievements but in the ability to inspire and develop new generations of leaders.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where technology shapes our lives at an astonishing pace, the role of a single leader as the sole arbiter of direction is diminishing.

Instead, great leaders recognise the importance of empowering team members to become leaders themselves, capable of spreading inspiration and driving productivity.

Just as artistic inclination varies among individuals, some individuals may naturally gravitate towards leadership more than others.

However, leadership is not solely a predetermined trait; it can be nurtured and developed. Great leaders take on the responsibility of identifying and nurturing leadership potential within their teams.

They invest time and effort into mentoring, coaching, and providing growth opportunities that allow emerging leaders to flourish.

Creating other leaders is a process that involves fostering a culture of collaboration, trust and empowerment.

By delegating authority and granting autonomy, leaders encourage team members to take ownership of their work and make impactful decisions.

This not only builds confidence and self-assurance but also cultivates leadership skills and qualities.

Furthermore, legendary leaders understand the importance of leading by example. They embody the attributes they wish to see in their future leaders—integrity, empathy, resilience, and vision.

Through their actions and behaviours, they inspire others to rise to the occasion, demonstrating that leadership is not confined to a title or position but rather a mindset and set of values.

Leadership extends beyond an individual’s personal achievements. Great leaders have a profound impact by inspiring and developing new leaders.

In the face of rapid technological changes, they recognise the need to empower team members to lead, allowing them to radiate inspiration and productivity outward.

Leadership potential can be fostered, and through mentorship, delegation and leading by example, leaders create a culture that nurtures and cultivates the leaders of tomorrow.

Leaders are beyond managers

Leadership is an intricate art that encompasses a deep understanding of human psychology and effective communication.

Great leaders go beyond the traditional role of managers who merely issue orders from above. They possess a remarkable ability to connect with their teams on an emotional level, exhibiting empathy and sensitivity in their interactions.

Developing emotional fluency is not something that happens overnight; it requires conscious effort, time, and self-reflection. However, the results are invaluable when it comes to inspiring a team towards greatness.

True leadership involves perceiving more than just the surface-level actions or words of individuals. It necessitates an understanding of how people are likely to feel and behave in various situations, allowing leaders to anticipate their needs and provide meaningful support.

Moreover, effective leaders possess exceptional listening skills that extend beyond merely hearing what others say.

They engage all their senses, actively seeking to comprehend the ebb and flow of emotions within their teams. Unfortunately, many corporate leaders fail in this regard, as they focus solely on asserting their own opinions and dominating conversations.

Instead of truly listening, they impatiently wait for their turn to speak, missing out on valuable insights and disregarding the perspectives of those around them.

In essence, great leaders are masters of psychology. They recognise that leadership is not confined to the past or present, but rather centres around charting a course towards the future.

By empathising with their team members, understanding their emotions, and actively listening to their concerns, leaders can foster an environment of trust, collaboration, and innovation.

These qualities allow leaders to guide their teams effectively and cultivate a shared vision that propels everyone towards success.

Leaders are humble

Effective leaders understand the importance of humility and continuous self-improvement. As they ascend the corporate hierarchy, they resist the temptation to believe that they have reached the pinnacle of their abilities. Instead, they recognise that true growth and excellence come from a commitment to learning and development.

Contrary to popular belief, holding a position of authority does not grant permission to stagnate or rest on one’s laurels.

In fact, it is precisely at this point in their leadership journey that individuals must redouble their efforts to remain connected with their teams. This requires a combination of humility, generosity and unwavering dedication.

One common pitfall for leaders is becoming complacent and comfortable in their role, assuming that they no longer need to make personal improvements. However, exceptional leaders understand that their own growth directly impacts their ability to lead effectively.

They prioritise self-reflection, seeking ways to enhance their thinking processes, emotional intelligence, and leadership strategies.

Rather than adopting a narcissistic or self-centred approach, great leaders embrace humility. They acknowledge that there is always more to learn, and they approach their own development with a sense of curiosity and openness.

By investing time and energy into themselves, they become better equipped to serve their teams and organisations.

In essence, exceptional leaders flip the traditional hierarchy of needs. They recognise that by dedicating time to their personal growth and development, they lay a solid foundation for their ability to lead others. Rather than neglecting self-improvement in favour of external demands, they view it as an essential component of their leadership journey.

Leaders who stay humble and continuously strive for improvement demonstrate their commitment to personal and professional growth. By remaining connected with their teams and investing in themselves, they set the stage for impactful leadership and foster an environment of ongoing learning and development.

Arthur Marara is a corporate law attorney, keynote speaker, corporate and personal branding speaker commanding the stage with his delightful humour, raw energy, and wealth of life experiences. He is a financial wellness expert and is passionate about addressing the issues of wellness, strategy and personal and professional development. Arthur is the author of “Toys for Adults” a thought provoking book on entrepreneurship, and “No one is Coming” a book that seeks to equip leaders to take charge. Send your feedback to [email protected] or Visit his website www.arthurmarara.com or contact him on WhatsApp: +263780055152 or call +263772467255.

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