A harvest will come

04 Dec, 2020 - 00:12 0 Views

eBusiness Weekly

Arthur Marara

Today, I am writing an article which will make some people uncomfortable because it is going to spell out what we do not want to hear at times depending on the quality of actions and choices; harvest.  I think we should be comfortable to have these conversations, in order to shape the quality of our choices and actions.

The quality of decisions we make determines the quality of legacies we leave behind. There are two interesting laws of nature and they are complementary; sowing, and harvesting. These laws have been used so much in the areas of investing, agriculture, and in some churches to justify “giving” but somehow neglected in the province of personal lives.

A fundamental fact is often ignored, whether we do good or the opposite, a time will come for us to reap whatever that we sown. Eugene Peterson tells us in The Message that, “There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: A right time for birth and another for death, A right time to plant and another to reap . . .” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2). This article is a call for all of us to have introspection into our lives and the quality of our actions and inactions.

We seed through

actions and inactions

There are people who live their lives carelessly as if there is nothing called tomorrow. Whether you choose to worry about tomorrow or not, its arrival is always imminent and inevitable. There are many things which people do and take for granted because to them it might be normal. The following few negative examples might be known to many people;

There are people in workplaces who have succeeded in literally stealing from their employers in the name of “deals” and in some instances, they have actually thanked God for the “breakthrough”.

Some spend production time on Facebook or other social networking sites as if they are employed to do so, but at the end of the month they expect their salaries in full.

There are married people who have and are living adulterous lives for years and in many instances they have succeeded in not being caught by their spouses and in many instances, they also convince their partners that they are the best. This even happens in other levels of relationships. Some people who are cheating their spouses may even be reading this article now.

In all these instances, detection is the main thing that most people are concerned rather than doing the right thing. One person once said, “A thief regrets being caught and not being a thief”.

Do not live your life recklessly. Every act that you do translates into a seed. The majority of what we are calling road traffic accidents, are not accidents, it is simply a tragic manifestation of tragic choices.

Inaction is action

You can be sowing seeds through inaction. Failure to take action, is action. Failure to make a choice, is a choice in itself. Failing to plan is a plan in itself.  If you abstain from doing something that you are supposed to do; that is a seed. Section 4 (a) of Labour (National Employment Code of Conduct) Regulations, 2006 (SI 15 of 2006) has an interesting act of misconduct which I have faced many a time representing some clients, “any act of conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his or her contract;”

An interesting aspect in terms of this charge I have cited is the recognition of  “any act of conduct or omission”. Not wanting to sound legal, but what comes out is that by not doing something you are actually doing something. You see something that you have to address, take it upon yourself to do that. A lot of us we always wait for other people to do certain things, and we do not take time to ask ourselves how we can help.

There is nothing “private”

The word “privacy” has so much been used or possibly abused in the world we live in. We all want our privacy; we treasure it such that we can even sue for it in instances where we think it has been violated. The moment you cross the line and do the thing you do not want to be public, you waive your right to privacy.

Many scandals are brewed in “private”, but the whole world has the liberty to read them in the comfort of their homes and revisit the entire script after it has been exposed. Saddening indeed! This should remind us to mind the seed that we plant.  It does not matter that no one sees you but your actions or inactions will follow you. No one saw David committing adultery with Bathsheba but his child died because of the adultery he had committed. .

Harvesting is inevitable

“You are free to do whatever that you want, but you are not free to choose the consequences of your actions” (Dr Stephen R. Covey).  So profound are the words that were uttered by Dr  Covey some years before he died and they still do apply in our case. Crudely put; we are free to be corrupt, but we are not free to choose the consequences that will ensue from the corruption, we are free to sleep around but we are not free to choose the consequences of the same, we are free to steal from our employers or organisations but we are not free to choose what happens after our theft. We are free to abuse our employees but we are not free to choose what happens afterwards.

What you plant is what you get. The law of nature has tutored us in this respect. Never expect a different fruit from what you planted. Mind what you seed. Always find something positive to plant in the lives of other people.

Your actions can affect

your descendants

There are many things which you can do today that may one day haunt you or haunt the rest of your family. Great people think in terms of legacy and not just in terms of the now.

When you think about generations to come, you will always consider the consequences of your actions before you even embark on them. You might not be the recipient of the harvest but your descendants might be the victims.

There are certain people who have left names that affect their families. At the same time there are people with names that open doors. David cost the life of an innocent child because of adultery he committed with Bathsheba. The true success of a person is measured by succession. Solomon tells us that, “A good man leaves an inheritance (of moral stability and goodness) to his children’s children . . .” Proverbs 13:22 (AMP)

Time will tell

It might not be today but a time will come when our actions will meet the results.  Once again, the law nature has taught us the principle of waiting; you do not plant and get the plant the same day. Buy tomorrow by being responsible today and taking the right steps towards your destiny. There are times whereby certain people ask themselves whether it is rewarding to do good, especially when the corrupt seems to be thriving, but the reality still remains; time will come for the harvest. This brings me to a critical aspect.

Do not give up in doing good

This is what Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:8, “knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.”  The question I am leaving you this week is what are you sowing?

Join me on Star FM on Wednesdays (09:30am-10:00am) for some moments of inspiration on the Breeze with Tariro “Mai Judah”.


Arthur Marara is a corporate law attorney, keynote and peak performance speaker, business strategy facilitator commanding the stage with his delightful humour, raw energy, and wealth of life experiences. He is a financial wellness expert and is passionate about addressing the issues of wellness, sales, business leadership and strategy. Arthur is the author of the “Personal Development Toolkit”, “Keys to Effective Time Management” among other inspirational books. Follow him on social media, or WhatsApp him on +263718867255 or email [email protected]


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