eBusiness Weekly

Worst dining habits

  1. Double-dipping

I don’t care if you’re 3 or 93 – this is by far the most vile of communal eating wrongs. What makes you think I want your saliva in my dip? This also goes for chefs putting the spoon back in the pot after a taste.

  1. Touching all of the food

I once watched a 6-year-old touch every piece of cake on a three-tiered serving tray. Perhaps he was counting them?

  1. Eating the best part of a dish before passing

Please stop eating all the fried onions off the green bean casserole, and picking all of the shrimp out of the pasta. Yes, we know, it’s your favourite part – but it’s everyone else’s favourite too.

  1. The presumptive addition

Please do not squeeze lemon over the seafood tower we are all about to share. I hate lemon on my oysters, and now, you’ve ruined them for me. The same goes for salting or saucing. Also, as someone who strives very hard to make perfectly-seasoned food, please do not automatically add salt to it before you try it.

  1. Chewing with your mouth open

Just don’t do it. Ever.

  1. Blowing your nose

in a restaurant

Is there anything worse than sitting down to indulge in a fine meal, only to discover that the gentleman at the next table over has decided to clear his sinuses into a hanky?

  1. Talking on the

cell phone at dinner

It’s just obnoxious. It’s even more obnoxious at a restaurant. I’m not interested in listening to you on the phone – whether you’re my dinner companion or someone close by. Oh, it’s an important business call? Fine. Take it to the lobby.

  1. Being rude to the server

Making someone take four trips to the kitchen because you think of something you want each time they return is rude. Speaking down to staff is rude. Making a server wait while you take five minutes to decide on your main . . . also rude. Tipping poorly: rude. They are a server, not a servant.

  1. Taking half of a cupcake from the company birthday party

Here’s the thing: either you commit to eating a cupcake or you commit to NOT eating a cupcake. By taking a half, you are just letting the next guy know that sadly they only get half of their favourite flavour. If you had eaten it entirely, there would be less pain not knowing what might have been. — townandcountrymag.com