eBusiness Weekly

Remain afloat in a new economy

Robert Gonye
An old adage says that the marketplace has a way of disciplining those who fail to abide by the statutes of its confines. Literally translated, any business owner who fails to respect the marketplace and the customer they service will one day find themselves extinct.

It has nothing to do with size, structure, or product; but all to do with your ability to drive the market and the propensity to shift your business model to remain relevant.

It goes without saying that the recently published monetary policy will leave some in a state of confusion while others will find the greener side of this state of affairs.

As the Reserve Bank governor John Mangudya, said  in his key highlights, the economy needs right sizing as the root cause of money supply growth is fiscal imbalances.

What does this mean to the businessman and the salesperson who realises the need to grow his business?

Because come rain or sunshine, your race is to make sure your business is not competing in the marketplace like everyone else.

Rather, yours is to dominate the market even as it feels the thunderous tremors of the economic summer season.

As attested to in our preceding article,   optimisation has to be a key element in driving a business forward.

Outfits which feel that they do not need to control and command their market share of business and clientele more often than not find themselves closing shop. In order to achieve this key element (optimisation), it is important to make sure that team selling and driving growth have an optimised personal philosophy, where they see and share the same drive to build the enterprise to its full potential.

This is where it gets personal. It is all about your relationship with people, not the product relationship alone.

Optimising your personal philosophy means that you become more and more interested in people, and in the quality of your relationships.

As a matter of fact, the customers are inclined to stay with you when you are interested in them more than when you are interesting as a brand. Ask yourself this: When was the last time your brand service communicated to the customer to appreciate them for the business, thank them for a good year and buying revenue targets, or even offering them a discount for loyalty to your brand, or even wishing them a happy birthday?

Optimise your Business Purpose as an ongoing process, even when you are new to the business. Optimisation should be ongoing. Some  term it Research and Development. Your business purposes refer to how your philosophy is expressed in terms of delivering your specific product or service.

When your philosophy has been properly optimised, you are automatically guided toward optimising your purposes to achieve a correct alignment.

We can not speak quality as a brand when we do not even represent it in our attributes, uniforms, or sales pitch. How then do we expect our customers to believe the same?

Once you clarify and optimise your purpose, it is then used to craft the mission statement, because it is all about the customer and never about you. It is the customer who votes and can choose to vote somewhere else with his wallet, do not push them away.

What naturally follows from your customer-focused philosophy and purpose is that you become a dedicated innovator, because you cannot bring the greatest value to your customer or client until you do.

Your customers will tell you where you can add value, so ask them. This will automatically position yours as a caring, customer-driven enterprise.

You will automatically build a stronger idea which can induce, expand, and improve your marketing approaches to more effectively communicate the superior benefits you offer to those who want and need them.

It goes without saying that effective marketing is simply the process of educating people about the advantages and benefits you offer them, and compelling them to choose your products or services over those of your competitors.

And you cannot succeed in fulfilling this objective without being effective in marketing — you must impact people through a variety of approaches since different people see value in different ways.

While the economy might be going through a shift, one thing is certain; if you expand the ways you market your products or services, you increase the number of people who will see and recognise the benefits you offer.

To be most effective and have the most impact, again you must optimise your marketing approaches and everything else you do through systematisation and measurement.

Once you test and measure to find out what works, you must employ a systematic approach that keeps growing. If a radio campaign is working for you, don’t stop it.

You do not want to kill the golden goose. Rather, add another channel of communication then measure as you maintain what already works.

You then never again waste time, money, and other resources as you will be in a position to know precisely how well everything you do actually performs. This is just one of the many benefits you will gain from  being committed to a life of optimisation.

The views given herein are solely for information purposes; they are guidelines and suggestions and are  not guaranteed to work in any particular way.


Robert Gonye is a Business Growth Expert and Influencer. He writes in his personal capacity. Comments and views: Robert@realgrowthsolutions.net @robert_gonye.