eBusiness Weekly

Smart resolutions for 2019

Robert Gonye
Case and point, do you have plans for 2019 . . . goes without saying right?

Sure you do. Everyone has at least some plans. But are they any good? How “set in stone” are they is the critical point. Given all the potential variables, planning your every move for a span of time as long as a year is nearly impossible. That’s why I don’t like life-long detailed plans. I prefer setting goals, both personal and business and the two feed into each other. Allow me to quantify that statement. A family decision to embark on a holiday is a goal, so is a budget to save or cut on customer spending.

Setting a goal is simple, it doesn’t require too much prep work and is actually an achievable thing. All you need to set clear goals is knowledge of the ground you stand on. For example, you might wish to get more clients booked on your calendar. You know that your usual is 20 per week and you make X amount from them. You know you have the time to serve 25 people per week, so that should be your goal. You also know how to achieve it — think of the best times for your business, when the client’s flow was endless? What did you do back then? Think of a pattern and repeat it now. Obviously, this example is overly simplified, but it is not designed to teach the goal-setting process, but rather to display how it works.

So what are some of the best resolutions a smart business owner can make for 2019?

Never stop learning, if even for a second!

Learning should always be a daily, monthly and ongoing attribute like a regular diet to any business owner and individual. The internet offers a lot for small business owners. From white papers and e-books to webinars and conferences on any imaginable aspect of business — it’s all there. Critically acclaimed experts share their secrets online free of charge. It would be naive not to use the opportunity to learn more, given the availability of knowledge in this new internet net of things age.

However, the knowledge available on the internet is just the tip of an iceberg. The real source of knowledge and its application is you: learn from your mistakes and capitalise on your victories. If something works well, consider making a pattern of it. Adapt, overcome and succeed as that’s what real learning is all about. I am very emphatic on the fact that where you put your labour you will harvest, and the harvest is two-fold good or bad, high or low and is simply a play of focus on the positive or the negative (a discussion we will develop during the course of the first quarter).

Invest more in technology
Every business is a tech business nowadays or at least communicates around technology. The time has come to finally accept it and deal with business accordingly. Everything from a data-driven social media strategy to an AI-based chatbot or intense business process automation are no longer just slogans but are a necessity for those, who wish to beat their competition.

Technology is key and I would also emphasise investing in it smartly because of the risk associated with it. Simply having a website or a Facebook group won’t do the trick in an environment of ever-growing competition and slain load speed where internet users are forced to visit a handful of resources in as far as their browsing and online presence is concerned.

Equal opportunities on the web will fall into a blissful memory sooner or later, and if I were you, I’d start getting ready as soon as possible to learn this bubble for your sake and your business’ sake. What technology was last year and how it will assist you come year-end will be totally different?

Become better at letting go
Saying goodbye is an important skill in business. Whether you need to let go an employee that’s slowing down the entire team and has a negative impact on culture, or you need to stop using a certain practice that’s doing more harm than good but is already an established element of your company — say “goodbye” and move on. More sooner than later you realise this simple decision and move, the better you are at keeping on track with your goals and cutting all hindrances that cost you unnecessary financial delays.

Next week we will deep into the resolutions business for 2019 and share on a few key attributes of charging your worth in business so make sure you follow up. This year no excuses we are hitting the ground running and so should you and your business.

Tomorrow is going to be a play of what we choose to do today.

The views given herein are solely for information purposes; they are guidelines and suggestions and are  not guaranteed to work in any particular way.

Robert Gonye is a Business Growth Expert and Influencer. He writes in his personal capacity. Robert@realgrowthsolutions.net twitter@robert_gonye