Personnel in the building and engineering industry

24 May, 2024 - 00:05 0 Views
Personnel in the building  and engineering industry For quality products, both professionals and tradesmen should be extensively trained people in their specific areas of specialisation

Engineering and Construction Matters With Innocent Chatikobo

The construction of a building and other various engineering processes involves many different professionals and tradesmen who participate in the processes at different stages.

For quality products, both professionals and tradesmen should be extensively trained people in their specific areas of specialisation.

Professionals are white collar personnel with specialised knowledge while tradesmen are blue collar personnel with specialised skills.

These two groups are dependant upon each other in execution of their responsibilities and duties. The bigger and more complex the building, the more professionals involved in the building process.

The main thrust is to put an idea into practicality to cater for a need or a problem that could have arisen e.g. need of a new house or any other building, need to replace an old building, making alterations or extension to an existing building, etc.

The client

Is the one who initiates the building process and may be an individual, group, organisation or government department. To get value for money, the client should have a clear outline of the exact nature of his requirements:

i. The nature and function of the building should be well defined and clear

ii. Ensures funding for the design and construction of the building is available

iii. Ensures all the valid legal documents required are available

iv. Ensures availability and readiness of the site for the construction works

Is appointed by the client and should be having the requisite and valid qualification. Some of his expected responsibilities are:

Preparation of working drawings which are to be submitted to the local authority for approvals

Supervision of construction works and ensuring compliance to by laws

Giving technical advice to the client where necessary

Quantity surveyor

He uses the drawings prepared by the architect for:

Preparing of the Bills of quantities

Preparing of the costs of estimates for the cost of labour and materials

Assist in preparing and evaluation of tenders

Civil and structural engineer

Gets involved with large and complex structures. He prepares structural drawings which will be read in conjunction with architectural drawings. He deals with structural calculations and design details of foundations, floors, columns, reinforced concrete and structural steelworks. He also looks into road works, storm water drainage, sewage reticulation and treatment, pump stations, etc He carries out inspections during the progress of the work to ensure that works are carried out in accordance with the structural design details.

He also monitors the quality of materials being used and the quality of workmanship. He deals with all the aspects which make the building strong and stable under different loads. A structural engineer also advises on tenders submitted by contractors

Mechanical engineer

A mechanical engineer also makes use of architectural drawings to carry out mechanical designs. He does calculations and design drawings for air conditioning, hot and cold water systems, fire detection sprinkler systems and fire fighting equipment. He advises during the tendering process and supervises the works as they progress

Electrical engineer

Is consulted to determine Designs and requirements for electrical services. He does the design drawings, calculations and inspection of the electrical installations. Some of the electrical services needed on a building are the following:

Lifts, escalators and elevators in high rise building

Radios and intercoms

Normal electrical services on buildings

Clerk of works

Represents an architect on site. He ensures that the materials and workmanship are conforming to the architect’s specifications. The clerk have various duties which include:

Checking levels and verifying the setting out of the building

Enforcing to ensure working drawings are being followed religiously

Material tests to ensure they meet required quality and strength standards

Works in liaison with site foreperson to ensure that project deadlines are being met and he reports to the Architect.

Maintenance of site records and material inventories

These and other professionals not mentioned here play vital roles during the design and construction of the building project.

They work with the team from the contractor’s side to ensure that the designs come into being. These include projects/contracts manager, site foreperson, trades forepersons, tradesmen and subcontractors who relieve the main contractors in some specific areas. In ensuring legislative and safety compliance we have statutory personnel who ensures that such as : Building inspector who represents the local authority; public health inspector; inspector of factories and standards association who test materials to ensure compliance to set standards.

Innocent Chatikobo is an engineer by profession with AtroServe Engineering Zimbabwe. He has extensive knowledge and experience in structural engineering and Construction. For your comments, views, questions and feedback he can be contacted on the following platforms. Cell: +263 777 950 224; +263 712 376 037; +263 782 502 732; Email: [email protected] Like the Facebook
page: AtroServe Engineering Zimbabwe.
Follow the Whatsapp Channel: AtroServe
Engineering Zimbabwe

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