eBusiness Weekly

Personal Finance, Can ‘stuffing your cash’ help your budget?

According to Tyrone Lowther, the head of Budget Insurance, there are some issues associated with working with cash.

Maya Fisher-French


Many years ago, when I was trying to pay off my debts and get my finances under control, I used the “envelope method”.

This was essentially a way of going back to cash and avoiding using my credit or debit cards to transact.

Each week, I calculated how much I could spend on my day-to-day needs. This included groceries, petrol, entertainment, clothes and other expenses.

I then had envelopes for each expense category.

I would withdraw the money for the week based on my budget and fill each envelope with cash. This was a powerful way to stay in control and it made my money tangible.

Yes, I still needed the discipline not to take money out of the petrol envelope for entertainment, but having it calculated and separated made it far easier to stick to the plan. I continued this for a few months until I felt I was on top of my money and had a better understanding of my monthly cash flow needs.

Today, people are calling it “cash stuffing” and it has become a huge TikTok trend. While this can be a great motivator, you also need to be aware of some of the risks involved.

According to Tyrone Lowther, the head of Budget Insurance, there are some issues associated with working with cash:

This will also help you avoid throwing non-essentials into your trolley, especially in the impulse aisle as you wait to pay.

All those little extras really do add up. The same goes for petrol because you know the average amount it costs to fill your tank.

So, if you do splurge a little at the start of the month, be realistic and build that into your allocation. Remember that you will need to cut down for the remainder of the month.

This will also help you plan better for the months ahead so that you can still enjoy yourself throughout the month – within budget.

But, if it helps you avoid overspending, then what you lose in interest, you gain in avoiding unnecessary debt.

Also take special care at ATMs and banks, where criminals are always on the prowl. Once you have withdrawn the total amount you need, separate it according to your chosen categories and keep the envelopes in a secure safe.

A good rule of thumb is to build up a reserve fund that can sustain you for at least three months, should you lose your income.